"Relicts" is an animated horror short movie, a dark story set in a remote village lost somewhere deep in primeval winter woods. It follows a day of a young woman that by a mere accident discovers that her settlement has gone completely abandoned... that she herself with her husband and unborn baby inside her belly seem to be the last living beings in this desolated place. Alas, it proves to be quite the opposite as she faces the gruesome truth - that nothing around her is really what it seems. In an instant, her quiet life turns into a nightmare with no chance to escape. Atmosphere of bone-chilling isolation gets plagued by the occult vibe and a scent of long forgotten mysteries.
Since the story deals with some dark fantasies brought down to reality, realistic visual style was chosen for the animation, so, technically being an animated movie, it leans more towards film and photography.
RELICTS | Trailer #1 [HD]
RELICTS | Trailer #1 [HD]
Pregnant for Life
For an atmospheric movie like "Relicts" it's very important to explore and develop a mood, characters and surroundings they dwell in, as well as tiny little details that reveal the background and lore of this world, so, we spend a lot of time tweaking and tuning the concept art and conveying that in 3d.
This gallery is but a small part of the visual development we do for this project:
Even though "Relicts" is a short film (in fact, it's on the longer side of "short"), it requires a lot of effort and resources to produce, especially considering the quality, details and the richness of it's universe we aim for. Fortunately, some great artists from different countries all over the world dedicate their time and skills to make it happen.
Written, Directed & Produced by Arkadiy Demchenko
Special thanks for the support to:

If you're a press representative and want to write about the project, please, check our DOWNLOADS page for press-kit or drop us a message via the contact form below.
Meanwhile, check out existing press & media publications, breakdowns and tutorials related to our project:
[EN] 80lv -- Relicts: Creating an Animated Horror Movie
[EN] Wacom -- Why is Relicts one of the best horror short films in the world?
[EN] 3D Artist #133 -- Create Hair-Raising Maya Fibers
[EN/RU] Artstation Blog -- Masks in Compositing (Cryptomatte & EyesGrade)
[EN] Autodesk AREA -- Relicts: Breaking down a 3D character with a modular pipeline
[EN] Autodesk AREA -- Relicts: Bringing atmospheric cinema to 3D animation
[RU] MagicCG #85 -- "Glance" Compositing Master-Class
[EN] Autodesk AREA -- 13 horror inspired 3D characters you'll be glad aren't real
[EN] CGRecord.net -- facialRig Scanning & Wrapping
[EN] CGSociety -- Making of Relicts | Animated horror short film
[EN] Artstation Blog -- Body Motion Capture #1
[EN] CGRecord.net -- Relicts's 'The Girl' breakdown by Arkadiy Demchenko

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